The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web, along with the portfolio page for other works.

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Issue 35; Editorial 21st August 2020

What a weird few months it has been for us all, so much so I had no idea what to write about. I couldn't find anyone else with a subject to write about either.  With all this time at home I am still vastly behind on the watch list of Netflix and Prime, so less writing and more watching has happened.  

As the bars have re-opened I am still limiting where I go and what I do and I have no holiday destination.  So what do we do?  We hold our tongues and await for a subject to pop up, for some slither of thought that we can jump on and then write words too, you also go bi-monthly, so every two months a new release will come, so without a fail here is this issue.  

I finish the cocktail series with a favourite of mine, I carry on with Bond, I chat about my love of Denim and I think of moving my feet.