This is a gallery or portfolio of works written for publications on the web and else where. Please see the below links that will take you to the articles; Please contact if you wish to commission work.
Gents Café - Online Publication for Slow Luxury
Gents Café - The Denim Gentleman
A lifestyle article about the love of denim.
A lifestyle article on what to look for in wine.
Gents Café - Through the Plume
A Lifestyle article on cigars.
Gents Café - The Drink of Choice
A Lifestyle article on cocktails and the thoughts of being away from a favourite.
Vino Monthly Newsletter
Some information on the famous Nebbiolo grape, includes tasting notes and food pairings.
August - Cabernet Sauvignon Article
A small dive in the grape and the wine it makes, includes tasting notes and food pairings.
A look at a very versatile grape and why it needs drinking, includes food pairings.
The Journals Monthly Email
Originally sent to subscribers only with each issue
Issue 47; The Journal Email includes article.