The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web, along with the portfolio page for other works.

Sign Up to the Mailing List Here and receive an exclusive article to your inbox with each issue along with an email only issue in the summer.

You can follow Thomas W Coombs on Instagram


This is a gallery or portfolio of works written for publications on the web and else where. Please see the below links that will take you to the articles;  Please contact if you wish to commission work.

Gents Café - Online Publication for Slow Luxury

Gents Café - The Denim Gentleman

A lifestyle article about the love of denim.

Gents Café - In Wine We Trust

A lifestyle article on what to look for in wine.

Gents Café - Through the Plume

A Lifestyle article on cigars.

Gents Café - The Drink of Choice

A Lifestyle article on cocktails and the thoughts of being away from a favourite.

Vino Monthly Newsletter

September-Nebbiolo Article

Some information on the famous Nebbiolo grape,  includes tasting notes and food pairings.

August - Cabernet Sauvignon Article

A small dive in the grape and the wine it makes, includes tasting notes and food pairings.

July - Chardonnay Article

A look at a very versatile grape and why it needs drinking, includes food pairings.

The Journals Monthly Email

Originally sent to subscribers only with each issue

Issue 47; The Journal Email includes article.