The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web, along with the portfolio page for other works.

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Issue 40; Editorial, 25th June 2021

I like sugar in my coffee, as if the large amount of caffeine is not enough I enjoy that bitter sweet smack to the face in the morning, early and late afternoon.  But for health freaks, I am cutting down, it may not look like it but I have, but it is as far as I am currently willing to go.  Coffee and sugar is what got me through this issue, along with the fact I can leave the house and see people and do things and feel a little less cramped up in my home.  Lovely feeling isn’t it. For those maybe still held hostage in your home, I feel for you.

A milestone has been reached, Issue 40 is here, forty whole issues full of my words, maybe I should get some other people to write occasionally, but my God like ego here is paramount to my meagre success. True, now people are not stuck at home and in their hordes taking over the outside world once again, it takes longer to get to the heights of the reader numbers than it did but our regulars are still here it seems and for this, I thank you.  And as I would like you to stick around, do not go back too far on issues, or do and see how good you have it now.

This issue (40 if I hadn’t mentioned it or you have not noticed the big 4-0) delves into the fact we are allowed out and the Sun is here with summer and warmer weather, that really does welcome the rake in many of us, sockless loafer anyone?  I write about smoking, where I smoke, drinking and of course on something to help with that ball of light we love so much.  Thanks again to you all and hope you enjoy this issue.  And if you haven’t already, please  sign up to the newsletter, where you will get an extra article by me, which I wrote in the bath.