The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

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Issue 46; The Rough Lapel: White Trouser Cometh

Summer is coming to a close soon, the summer has been hot but typical of the English kind, with hot sunny days forgotten by a few days of rain and storms that we all remember thinking that summer is over and was short.  The time in between showers gives us some beautiful days of sun and dressing for the sun, especially in the high thirties which have become the norm.  Enter the white trouser.
That taboo subject of the white trouser is seen on holiday snaps across society, how great we look on the shores of Lake Como or the villas of Greece, looking cool and elegant in a light white cotton chino or trouser, cut short to reveal an ankle and the slip-on's.  It is certainly picture perfect, transpose this into the UK and we have a different story, are they not just for holiday?

The white trouser of which I own one pair of white chinos are a summer go to and I do pick my moments well to wear them.  Going to drink red wine, be careful, going for a weekend curry, forget it.  I have seen the white jean wearer become conscious due to sitting on a outside seat not realising it needed a clean from general dirt leaving smudges of town life across that white gleaming arse area.  Or the inevitable coffee spillage.  But does this happen because we notice it or as a wearer are we spending so much time worried about dirt and spillages that we in ourselves make it happen. Bravery is a necessity when wearing white, something I still lack, I worry about accidentally touching people coming towards me dressed all in white or have anxiety for them as they sip their espresso.  I am not ready for this carefree life but when the weather is right, those white trousers will see the light of day.

I was on the fence for years, after seeing some bad choices of white on white from people wanting to look like the “Instagram couple” dressed all in white, even though it is 4pm in an all inclusive hotel in Spain.  In that situation you look like you are trying to hard, “mate we are all on the budget package here”.  But break up the white with a navy or blue or any other colour that is not white, or a nice shade of off white to match it, but be careful it doesn’t look yellow or you get the worn out white shirt vibes. 

You may not feel convinced and I will hold hands up that between navy and white I will go with the darker colour ninety nine percent, but when the Sun Cometh just give it a go and don some white delights and live the Como life.