The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

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Issue 19; Rock Show for the Ages

written by @coombstw

Being a child of the 80’s it is part of me that I must be inclined to enjoy on some level 80’s rock music.  The call of the wild for large hair and head-bands a plenty, the pop rifts that made a generation.

Even though it was so cheesy even a slice of Pont l’Eveque would holds its nose to the stench.  But even as I mock the genre, I find myself sat in a seat at the Marlowe Theatre eager to watch the Broadway and West End award winning Rock of Ages.

Even though, fair, I got these tickets by mistake after booking them thinking I was booking a similar musical that is on next year for a Christmas present.  This or my subconscious was all “I Just Wanna Rock!” and took control for those brief minutes it took to order them. But I was sure glad it did, it is something in a musical, when you feel like singing along and can't stop tapping your feet, plus you truly laugh.

This musical is a bit like the film but not quite, added sex for a start and happens over a longer period of time, plus to add extra sex we needed the third act of strippers, and there is a lot of ass. Men, you will try not to look, or glance at your wife, ladies be ready to put your feminist views to the side or you will spend the whole time angry. This was the 80's we are talking about here.

The whole show is tongue in cheek, from the simulated blow job scenes happening in the back ground, the very racist Nazi references to the German characters and the some knocks to homosexuality, but nothing is cruel and they have a great love song for a gay relationship.

But to be honest we are mostly here for the music, it is a musical after all and we certainly get loads of classic 80's rock songs, but they are all the mainstream hits nothing odd coming into the fold. Lots of Journey, so mostly the American side of the music world.

In all a fantastic and fun show and worth checking out whilst it is on your, just be ready to clap and get slightly involved.