The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

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Issue 21; Relaxed for Winter

written by @coombstw

Autumn and Winter can be great times to dress up, with the sweltering heat now gone you can start wearing shirts and jackets comfortably and you can layer to your heart's content, and add some great chunky dress shoes.  But this year I am taking a relaxed view.

For years if you follow me you will have noticed I have quite a collection of blazers,  most I will admit are more for wintry weather. Thicker wool cloth, lined and or slightly padded, which are a must during the months that the rain and cold creep in but this year I am favouring the hoodie at the weekends and the boots rather than the brogue.  I am now in between street and smart casual on my off days, and to be fair some of my “on” days also.

I feel that last winter I was too hot when dressed up or too cold when not, I am an avid believer in the layer normally and have loved to layer my clothes up, but this year I am shrinking my layer levels to t-shirt, shirt, jacket or jumper and hoodie.  Even my dress up is more Mumford and Sons than Huntfords & Sons of 11 Savile Row, with a shirt, waist coat jeans and boots along with my long winter coat, rather than thicker smarter jeans or trousers, jackets and tidy neat shirts.

Some of this comes from age, the older I get the less worried I am about being overly smart, my work has changed and now not selling myself as the front of my freelance work and just let the occasional work speak for itself.  I feel more comfortable in a hoodie and jumper when relaxing or covering daily errands unless I am out and then the more relaxed look wins every time. You see this on the high street now and many are going practical instead of peacock during this time of year and I for one am loving it.

Fair, I am now hiking more and plan on doing some winter hikes so the more casual look goes hand in hand with this, and you find it easier to stick some walking shoes on instead of trainers during the day.  As long as I don’t look like “Active Dad”, I will be okay, even if the Dad Styles are still sticking around, but I will not go there. Or worse, nearly 40 Emo. Hopefully.