The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web, along with the portfolio page for other works.

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Issue 36; Editorial 23rd October 2020

As we hurtle back into the coming darkness of lockdown but this time in winter,  it is only fair to walk with a selection of words that have nothing to do with this idea and follow some thoughts on a slightly more delightful note.  Make sure you get your coffee or Negroni depending on the time of day you are here (of course unless you are one who loves a Negroni with his eggs in the morning, I shan't judge) I give you the October/November issue.

In this issue, whilst I was reorganising my office space, moving books around, when it got me thinking of the escape that they and other writings can give.  But also some loss of Adventure, so this issue I delve into the loss of the adventure novel, whilst I read some Jules Verne.  I throw myself on the fire and possibly into the line of it as I continue my re-watch of Bond in the fourth instalment of my series.  I reawakened my taste buds to the drinking of Merlot, a grape I have a love hate relationship with but seems I have been slowly getting myself used to it for a while, without knowledge.  And this issue's Fashion article is a winter must and a great bit of Naval attire.

If you wish to submit an article then please contact The TWC Journal through the About page.