The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web, along with the portfolio page for other works.

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Issue 41; Editorial, 26th August 2021

As I write the world seems to be mostly falling apart around me, countries taken over by the worst people, the climate hurtling towards the end and the never ending talk of Covid, the new C word no one likes to discuss, that is back to its old tricks of spreading like wildfire.  Oh and not to mention the wildfires across the USA.  Along with earthquakes and the endless appeals for help.  My thoughts are with them all, even if that does seem quite unhelpful as sure my general thoughts are not geared for such things.  This all doesn’t help when I am writing about the slightly finer things of life, but we all need our outlet if we can do it.

This issue, like most, was not planned, it just happened this way, Issue 41 is about things I like and dislike.  It is about feelings that follow when these events take place, it is one of the most personal issues, without it actually being personal.  In light of everything this seems apt really.

When reading this issue on fine food, great service, playing games and trivial aging, just remember this doesn’t mean I find everything else less important, like other entertainment and escapes I am here to do what I do and for you to read what you read.