The Fake Intellectual is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

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Issue 23; The Best Layer

written by @coombstw

You may have noticed if in the UK that the weather has turned and those colder days and nights are creeping in.  With the clocks changing this weekend also it will soon be darker bringing that temperature down. With this in mind I thought I would say a little something about my favourite layer in winter. The sweater.

The sweater (more commonly known in the UK as a Jumper) is the ultimate piece of clothing and, as is my favourite way to wear one, goes really well with a button down collared shirt.  Created, as we know them now, in the 15th century in Jersey, a name used by many for the woollen knit style of sweater, which was adopted across Europe by workmen to keep warm. Worn under jackets by canal workers, the oil laden wool added to the warmth they gave.  They were not adopted in America until 1890 when used by athletes before and after events to keep them warm, before becoming more mainstream in 1920 when Chanel added them to their collections. Since this time there are so many styles of sweaters that have been made from all types of fabrics.

I for one wear mine with a button down collared shirt untucked, to the horror of a certain Senior, who messaged to tell me to tuck my shirt in. All I can say, I am breaking the barriers in terms of The Senior, but to many I look like a typical middle manager in the office and the bar.

Even though a very easy garment to style, it can also go quite wrong; so keep the colours contrasted if you are not the adventurous type.  A white shirt goes best and as the weather can change keep thinner rather than a big wool knit and then you can put a jacket or blazer over the top really easily.

I have put together a classic casual Friday or if like me, a great work and play uniform.


All from Thread.Com except the short coming from Next