The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by writer & photographer Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

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Issue 38; Editorial, 26th February 2021

I won’t lie this has been one of the hardest issues to put together.  With the endless lockdown and lack of life inspiration it comes to the current ways of life that fuel the mind and the creative thoughts.  Hopefully we will be getting back to some travel, drinks, dining out and overnight stays away from the walls of my own house sooner rather than later.

But even with the hells of life as we know it, shrinking our world to a small portion of the life we knew I still put together what I hope will be four good reads.  The type of reads that go well with a coffee or an after work Negroni or Martini, I talk Gin, Dressing like we used to, Wine, an obvious go to at the moment and finally my current reading material style of choice.

I hope you enjoy this labour of love and if you feel so inclined please sign up to the mailing list to get an exclusive article with each issue.